Sunday, July 17, 2011

Spiritual Memorials

Last Sunday, July 10, I went to the Akron Campus to hear Pastor Dave Burnham preach. He is a former senior pastor of The Chapel. He preached on Joshua 4:1-7. The title of the sermon was called, "Spiritual Memorials".

After crossing the Jordan River, Joshua was commanded by God to have twelve men go back onto the riverbed and pick up twelve stones to mark as a memorial to remind the people what God had done for them.

There are three principals for having a spiritual memorial:
1. Remember the promises and power of God.
2. Remember faith requires action
3. Remember the Glory of God.

There are four things to remember in building personal spiritual memorials:
1. A story to tell.
2. A scripture to tell.
3. A song to sing (recall).
4. A scene (picture) to explain.

This got me thinking, that my hole could be a spiritual memorial for me. Yes, I am in remission for stage 3a of Melanoma, but I am in remission. The side effects of my year long treatment of Interfon, was not as bad as they could've been. God has been on the throne during the good times and the bad, and He has never let me go. God has plans to prosper me not to harm me. My hole reminds me of the good God has done in my life.

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