Monday, August 06, 2012

Kidney Stone Blasting Surgery #2

   Two surgeries in the same year.  Mom dropped me off around 9, since she worked from 9-12.  I got called back around 9:30 am.  I had to give a urine sample, even though I gave one on Friday.  After changing into a gown, I was taken down to x-ray, and had a couple taken.  Radiology had a hard time getting hold of the volunteers to come and get me, so some one from there took me back up to out patient surgery.  I got back around 10 and dad showed up.  He couldn't come back until after my port had been accessed and blood was drawn.  The doctor came by around 11 am, and dad stayed with em until I was taken back to surgery.  I opened my eyes around 1:20 pm in recovery and was discharged by 2 pm.  Mom and I got home a little before 3 pm.  I have felt a bit woozy, but other wise good.

   I see the doctor in about a month for a follow-up and will have an x-ray a couple of days before hand.  Hopefully, this will send the stubborn stone out of my body for good.

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