Thursday, June 14, 2007

Moving to Yuma, AZ

In about six weeks, I will be moving to Yuma, AZ. With 5 phone interviews and 3 job offers, it really seemed to be the Lord is leading me to AZ. Mom would rather have me stay here in OH. I told the Lord, I didn't want to be a Gideon (Judges 6). Where Gideon, doubted (didnt' have faith), asked God to leave the fleece dry and the ground wet. God did exactly that. The next morning, Gideon, wanted the fleece wet and the ground dry. God did exactly that again. Then Gideon believed that God was calling him to lead the Israelite army. I was just asking for comfirmation that God was leading me to AZ.

Now, I am deciding between the three job offers. One is to teach self-cotained sixth grade. The other two, for teaching 8th grade science. One of those positions, the following year, I would teach 7th grade science, then move with the same kids up to 8th grade. I like that idea. There is one I am leading towards.

Once I know what my salary would be then I will know if I can rent a furnished or an unfurnished apartment. M&D are not going with me in moving to AZ. Everthing I take will have to fit in my car. I have been praying.

I call Yuma, AZ tomorrow afternoon to give them my decision.

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