Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Low Dose: Injections

I started the low dose of my treatment this morning. I will get the injections 3times a week for the next 48 weeks (11 months). This week, I am getting it in the morning, and starting next week, afternoons, unless I don't sub, or have a doctor's appointment. Fridays, my port will be accessed, so that blood could be drawn to check my blood counts.

When I get my injection, my vitals are taken first, then I am given two Tylenol, then I decide where I want the injection, an arm or my stomach.

I took a short nap this afternoon, and my stomach bothered me a lot. I think part of that was because I was hungry come supper time, I skipped lunch.

My brother was discharged from the hospital this morning and taken over to the nursing home. He will be there, until his right index finger has closed on its own. When his finger has healed, then he will go back to the group home. He is getting his anti-biotics through his feeding tube. I will see him this Friday after getting my treatment.

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