Wednesday, December 17, 2008

A Nursing Home We Will Go

My mom went yesterday afternoon to see my brother. She said that he looked good and acted fine, just like what I said on Sunday. Doctor thinks that maybe when he has gotten his previous infections, that when they kill it, it doesn't completely die. So it goes to "sleep" and it "wakes" back up at sometime. The doctor wants to prescribe a really strong antibiotic that they will give him every 12 hours for twenty-five days. A pic line is being inserted, to make it easier for the IV and being given the strong medicine. A social worker at the hospital is going to check into the same nursing home he was in last year for him to go to again. Depending on when he can go, will determine if he will be discharged from the hospital this Friday or next Monday. He will be in the nursing home over Christmas. :(

I've made comments to my mom that he has been in the hospital more since he recieved his feeding tube 6 1/2 years ago, than before that time. She said something about asking /making a comment about that to whoever if that could be a possibilty of him getting sick more easily. My brother has to have one on one care, because of him being active, able to get into things, pull out things from his body, etc.

Please pray that there is no problem of him getting into the nursing home, and that this antibiotic does the trick, adn he gets no more infections.

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