Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Port Check

My appointment was scheduled for 10 am, and was told to be at the hospital by 9 am for preregistration. I get there and was told that I was already pre-registered. They took info from my old account from last month and started a new one. So they took me early.

I had the same male nurse that I had last time, and he remembered me. He accessed me, and there was still no blood return. My port flushes nicely. They did the x-ray and even inserted some contrast. The doctor couldn't find anything that was stopping the port from returning blood.

I was giving the option of receiving the drug that begins with an R. I decided to get it, it is a small bag that is I got through and IV for about two hours. I was at the hospital this morning for about three hours.

Will see what happens on the 22nd when I go to get my port flushed. If there is no blood return then, will probably have to go back to special procedures again.

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