Monday, June 16, 2008

June Onc Visit

Today, was my monthly visit in seeing my onc. I get weighed every time I see him. In the past month, I had lost another 6 pounds. That puts me at a total of 42 pounds since last summer. I would like to have lost a total of 50 pounds by the time school starts at the end of August. That gives me two months to loose 8 more pounds.

My white blood count went from 2.3 to 2.0 I go up and down all the time. A lot of things are low, but still okay. My temperature is finally normal. This morning it was 98.5 degrees.

Wednesday, July 9, I am schedules for my next CT Scan. The appointment time is for 11:20 am. I am having it done at the hospital, since I want them to use my port for the IV. I will see my onc again the following week, on the 16th. That is when I will get the results of the scans. I am praying that I am still NED. Time to go play Boggle.

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