Monday, June 09, 2008

Low Grade Fever

Since Wednesday of last week, I have had a temp ranging between 99.0-99.6. That varies throughout the day. Don't know why I've gone so long with a low grade fever. Having a fever is a side effect of the Interferon. A fever is also a sign of an infection. My blood pressure was 99/72 on Friday, but it was back up to where it normally is, this morning.

I was told by the nurse to keep take my temp throughout the weekend. If I had a fever and the chills to my call my onc. She was a bit worried that I might have a port infection. That wouldn't be good. If that happened, my port would be taken out. I do not have a port infection. I did take my temp a couple of times Friday night, took it Saturday, and took the thermometer to church yesterday. Yes, I did. I took my temp during the sermon and twice in Sunday School. I didn't take it again the rest of the day.

Last week, my white blood count went up from 2.0 to 2.2. Blood was drawn on Friday, and my white blood count went up again, this time to 2.3. I wasn't expecting it to go up, but to go down instead.

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