Thursday, December 26, 2013

At the Doctor's Office Again

  I said that I had blood drawn on the 10th of this month.  Doctor's office called on Tuesday, to say they got the results and that the doctor wanted to see me.  So I scheduled the appointment for 10:50 this morning.  I waited about 50 minutes in the waiting room before being called back.  I gained about 2.5 pounds since the 2nd of this month.  I have been watching my portion sizes for when I eat.  I wanted to prove to my lung doctor that I wouldn't gain a lot of weight while on steroids.  My face is very puffy!
   Back on the 10th, blood was drawn to check my blood sugar and insulin levels.  I was told that steroids can mess up your sugar levels.  Mine is a little high.  6.3 is diabetic, mine is 6.5.  My doctor is not saying that I am diabetic.  On the 10th, I was taking 2 steroids a day, I am now down to 1 1/2 steroids a day.  Each pill is 20 mg.  The first month was 60 mg a day, the second month was 40 mg a day, and now I am down to 30 mg, 
  This is what we are going to do:  I was going to have my physical fasting  blood work done on January 17,  but it is being moved back to February 14.  I am already scheduled for blood work on that day for the kidney doctor.  Plus, my blood sugar will be tested on February 14 also.  According to my calculations, my last day to take steroids is January 20.  That will put me at 3 weeks without being on steroids, so hopefully, things will have settled down by then. 
    While I was at the doctor's office, I told her that my right leg was hurting.  I somehow did bruise an area on the front, but it hurt on the side for the past couple of days.  Since it felt warm to the touch to her, she wanted to get an ultrasound done on my leg.  That is the third one this year since July.  I had to head down to Green for a 3:30 appointment, since the places around where I live couldn't get me in for a stat ultrasound.  I do not have a blood clot in my right leg.  The area hurts and is kinda hard.  I will put the heating pad on it, and since I see the chiropractor on Saturday, I will ask him to do heat therapy on that area.  He is good at letting me  have the heat therapy when I ask for it.

1 comment:

followerofgod said...

Sorry you are having such a hard time with your health Christina.Will keep you in my prayers!