Monday, April 06, 2009

2nd Quarter Onc Visit

To start off, I am cold. That is what bugs me, I am not a cold-natured person, but I am cold about all the time. I saw my onc this morning. I have gained a few pounds, which I am not surprised, that is what happens when you eat too much sweets (chocolate and cookies). My port will come out in October or November if I am still clear. I'd rather keep it, just because my veins do not like to cooperate, very hard to access. My port was flushed and blood was drawn. CBC was checked and the blood was sent over to the hospital so that my thyroid could be checked. My thyroid was checked because I complained about being cold just about all the time. My white blood count is at 3.7, basically what it was back at the end of December, still makes it low. My RDW is high, but everything else is normal. Will probably talk in July about doing a CT scan in the fall before I see him in October.

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