Wednesday, April 04, 2012

This week's doctor's appointments

While I was in Indy last week,  I got a sore throat, and while driving home on Sunday, I felt it go into my sinuses.  That means I have my fourth sinus infection since December.  Basically, we had a TX winter, and the winter did a number on my sinuses.  I went to school on Monday, and by the end of the day, felt miserable.  I called and made an appointment to see my doctor yesterday.  I am  on an antibiotic now.  She gave me a name of an ENT (ears, nose, & throat doctor) that she wants me to see.  I called and will see him next Wednesday, during my spring break.

Monday afternoon, I had an appointment with my lung doctor.  He is taking me off the inhaler he put me on last May.  He said, that I do have Sarcoid.  I will have another breathing test in October and will see him the next week.

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