Thursday, June 29, 2006

Interview #9

My I had an interview in Mesquite this afternoon. This interview came from me emailing principals. I emailed some prinicpals in Mesquite last week. I got a response back last Friday, asking for my references. I replied back with a list of 5 references. She called me on Monday to set talk with me, and we set up an interview for today. I interviewed for a fourth or fifth grade self-contained position.
My friends have told me, recently, to go in positive and sell myself. I am doing that. I take in my scrapbook and show it. My scrapbooks show some of the things I have done with my students.
Being departmentalized for the last 5 1/2 years, is that hurting my chances, espically for a self-contained position?
God's timing is better than my timing. It is getting harder and harder to wait for his best.

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