Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Fourth of July

The Fourth of July is an important holiday for the United States of America. I wonder how many people really know why this day is important to us? I wonder how many people really know what were the events that led up to this special day in our history? The sad thing is, people in other countries know our history better than Americans know our history.
The second permament colony founded, Plymouth, was started for religious freedom. The Thirteen Orginial Colonies, all in their constitutions, (back in the 1600-1700's) said that colony either had regilous freedom, or you had worship a certain way. There were other freedoms stated, that they did not have over in Europe, not at that time. All the people who argue and fight over the Constitution today, in my opinion, need to go back and actually study our history, nad if they did, then they would stop these ridiculous lawsuits, saying, "blah, blah, blah" was unconstitutinal.
July 4, is the day we celebrate, The Declaration of Indpendence was signed in Philadelphi, PA in 1776. We spend time with our families, enjoy watching really cool fireworks at night.
I thank all of the soldiers out there who are fighting for freedom over in the Middle East, "A Great Big Giant Thank You" for putting your life on the line, so we can continue to celebrate our freedom, and the right to forget about our history.

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