Wednesday, August 27, 2008


I saw my surgeon this morning. For the past week, I have had some pain in my right knee. Last Thursday, at least twice, I was standing and talking, the next thing I know, my leg gives out on me. I didn't fall, but was able to shift my weight around. I debated or not to make the appointment then debated or not to keep the appointment. So, I saw him this morning. The knee area is a little swollen and so is the calf area.

Tomorrow morning at 8:30, I am scheduled for an ultrasound on both legs from the groin area on down. Since I just had a CT scan last month, I'm not getting another one. My surgeon doesn't think there is anything wrong, but to play it safe. Wants to make sure I do not have a blood clot, and the ultrasound can pick up lymph nodes.

I will be seeing my surgeon again next Wednesday morning.

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